To develop a pattern-driven framework that enables and guarantees secure and dependable actuation and semi-autonomic behaviour in IoT...
To develop a pattern-driven framework that enables and guarantees secure and dependable actuation and semi-autonomic behaviour in IoT...
To achieve its Scope, SEMIoTICS is driven by seven key objectives inline with the H2020-IoT-03-2017 work programme topic...
SEMIoTICS will target 3 IoT application scenarios with heterogeneous smart object, various IoT platforms and different SPDI requirements...
SEMIoTICS is a three year European Union project funded under the H2020-IoT-03-2017 work programme, with Grant Agreement number 780315. It has a three year duration, from January 2018 to December 2020 and a total budget of 4,995,915€. The SEMIoTICS concept and architecture are illustrated in the following figure.